7 Days To Die Casino Location

Server tools for 7 days to die dedicated servers

Go to the releases tab and check for the latest files https://github.com/dmustanger/7dtd-ServerTools/releases

I had heard there is supposedly a Casino somewhere on the map but am having no luck finding it, would someone mind just blotting a mark down on the map picture and showing me where it is? It's in the default map from what I heard. 7 Days to Die General Discussions Topic Details.

Download and extract the files.
Copy the Mods folder to the root directory of your server.
7 days to die cheapStart the server.
The mod will auto create the config file in the game save directory.
Enable each part of the mod you want via ..your game save directoryServerToolsServerToolsConfig.xml
Once a module is enabled, if it has a config it will auto create them in the ServerTools folder.
# Current-Tools-and-Features
Anti Cheat
Automatically detects and deals with cheaters. Customizable
Detects: flying above or below ground, hatch elevator, teleport, invalid items, invalid stack sizes, family share accounts,
player stats such as height, speed, jump strength, max stamina, max health, available skill points.
Logs all player's inventory to a file for later review. Set the time between loggings. Default is once per minute.
Records player's IP address and location to the inventory log.
Records identical items and stacks found in a players inventory. These are not necessarily duped but this gives a record.
Logs of violators are auto created and deleted based on your settings.
Other Tools
Day7 alerts: automatically receive in game alerts to the upcoming bloodmoon. Can set a custom horde night value
Zones: set an area as a protected space. PvP inside is dealt with automatically. Alert upon entry/exit
Weather vote: vote to change the weather

7 Days To Die Game

Teleport to friend: request to teleport to a friend. They must accept the request in a time limit
Shop and wallet: make a custom shop list for players to buy from. Wallet is calculated automatically. Can only shop in trader zone
Vote rewards: for players voting your server at https://7daystodie-servers.com website
Travel: for players to travel to specific locations when in the right location. Can teleport a bike. Custom delay
Starting items: new players receive all the items from the StartingItems.xml
First claim block: players can type /claim to receive a single claim block. Prevents griefing
Give item: give item directly into a players inventory or all online players. Drops to the ground if their inventory is full
Give block: give block directly into a players inventory or all online players. Drops to the ground if their inventory is full
Admin List: players can type trigger an ingame list of currently online admins and moderators
Command delays: multiple commands have delay times. Players can not use the command until the delay has expired since last use
Command delay reset: reset any player command delays via the console
Temporary ban: console command tempban to allow a limited ban time for moderators or low tier admins
Custom chat command triggers: commands use / and ! to initialize commands but they can be set to any symbol
Stuck entity: automatically sends bikes, bags, and zombies to the world surface to prevent errors and server lag
Admin alerts: detections that require manual inspection is sent to currently online admins
DieChat colors and prefixes: administrators, moderators, donators/reserved players, special players can all get custom chat colors and prefix
Auto shutdown: the server will auto shutdown after a scheduled time frame. Initiates shutdown system with alerts, world save, countdown
Animal spawning: made to be like an animal tracking system. Players spawn a random animal from a list
Stealth admins: while chat color and prefix is active, admins can disable their chat color to stay hidden
Reserved players: based on session time. Final slot can only be filled by admin or reserved status player. Boots players passed max session time to make space for others. Reserved and admins are never kicked
Custom commands: Make your own commands and set optional delays for the first ten entries
Check next shutdown: Can check when the next scheduled shutdown period is
Reservation check: players can check the expiration time for their reserved status
Gimme system: players can spawn a free item periodically with a custom delay

7 Days To Die Free

Killme command: players can commit suicide with a custom delay
Set home: save a home location so players can teleport to it with a custom delay

7 Days To Die News

Set home 2: a second home location that can be set for donators only
High ping kicker: kicks players that have a ping too high
Chat logger: saves all in game chat to a file for later review
Bad word filter: replaces any words used in chat that matches ones from a list. Can also change bad player names to Invalid Name-No commands
Message of the day: shows players a custom message upon entering the server
Infoticker: automatically displays custom server messages. Can be set to display in a random order
Auto world save: automatically saves the world based on custom delay time
Watchlist: players listed here will be able to join but send online admins an alert when they are in game
Custom phrases: any phrases listed in the phrase file can be set to a custom response
Admin chat: admins can send all other online admins a direct private message
Clan manager: create clan tags, add players, hire officers and rule the server as a elite crew
Remove entity: remove a live entity from the game using its entity id via console
Reset player profile: an easy console command will kick and delete the saved data of a player
Stopserver command: easily shutdown your server with an alert system and countdown so players are aware7 days to die news
Lottery: players can open a lottery for any players to buy in. Lottery draws after 10 players join or 1 hour has gone by
Hardcore: limited life count. Kicked and profile deleted if out of lives. Stats recorded
Friend teleports: players can teleport to saved home points and send invites to near by friends to teleport as well
Kill notice: alerts when a player kills another player and what weapon was used
Bounties: players can put bounties on each other. If a player kills another player with a bounty on them, the value is added to their wallet
Kill streaks: while bounties are active, a kill streak can add to a player's bounty automatically
Kick vote: vote to kick a player. Requires at least 10 players online and 8 must vote yes
Restart vote: vote to restart the server. Requires at least 10 players online and 8 must vote yes
Player list: shows all online player names and entity id so players can use commands against them
Lobby: teleports to a defined location. Allows players to return when finished but they must be with in 50 blocks to the lobby location
Real world time: displays the real world time based on the servers local time
Fps: allows you to set the target server fps on server load up
Location: players can check their world location, response is their x, y, z cordinates
Auction: place an item inside a secure loot and use commands to remove it and sell it in the auction
Wallet: takes note of player kills, zombie kills, deaths and spent coins. Calculates a total for use in the shop, auction, bounties
Bank: allows players to deposit in game coins or wallet coins to a bank account. Exchange coin types through the bank
Bike: save a bike id while inside a claimed space. Return a saved bike if close enough to it
Death return: while enabled, players can return to where they died
Entity cleanup: removes falling blocks, stuck falling trees
Command costs: set a price required to use certain commands. Dependant on ingame wallet and earning coins by killing zombies. In game coins such as casino coin can be transferred through the bank